I.D. Achekar Apps

ECG database Revision
I.D. Achekar
A free electrocardiography (ECG) course and ahuge collection of electrocardiograms to which anyone cancontribute, designed for medical professionals such ascardiologists, cardiac care nurses and physicians.
Anatomic Variation 2.1.0
I.D. Achekar
Anatomic Variation is world's first onlinedatabase with a collection of images of normal human anatomicvariations. The database aims to provide a informative source forradiologist, residents radiology an medicine students around theworld.
Night Out App 1.0
I.D. Achekar
Party tonight as if it is your last! Thatisthe spirit of the Night Out App. NOA gives a whole newdimensiontowards night life. In the past you went with friendstowards thecity to check if the hotspot was awesome. Now time hascome thatyou already can see from your living room where yourfriends willgo to, or what will be the hottest place tonight. Usethe appduring your holiday to discover in which unknown areas mostpeopleare heading to. At the same time you can check profiles ofotherbar visitors to get in touch with each other. On top of thatthereis the possibility to check with just one click away whicheventsin your area take place. This can be done for huge events aswellas for the karaoke contest in the local bar. NOA finds itimportantthat all of this comes by taking into regard your privacy.You arethe only one who decided to whom to show your location andwho willbe allowed to contact you.Features Night Out App:Check where your friends will be heading to and follow themstepby step.Get in touch with people out of your living room anddiscoverwhich bar the hottest place to be at the moment.Only one click away from new events at your area.Display your privacy as you like it to be! You are the onewhodecided to whom to show your location or who will be abletocontact you.Add (new) friends to your friends list.Send a private message to your friends or unknown people inthebar.Invite friends from your friends list from FacebookorTwitter.Manage your favorite bars and check in no time which one youwillneed to go.